How to identify what’s getting in your way

If you are craving something– a calmer lifestyle, deeper relationships, financial stability, more friends, purpose in your work, a closer connection to your kids – and you don’t have it yet, it’s because there’s something in your way.

That’s pretty simple, right?

But what is it…

What is the thing that is blocking you…

That is stopping you from moving forward…

That is keeping you stuck…

Ooo, that’s the tricky part, isn’t it?

Last week, a client texted me this simple but profound question: I know something is in my way, but I don’t know what. How do I figure it out?

I knew what she wanted me to say: make a list of everything it could be, read this book or that book, meditate about it for X amount of hours, talk with your friends, talk with your therapist, talk with me, journal page after page. Think about it, REALLY think about it. And voila! You’ll figure it out.

But none of that will help her. If it were possible to “figure” out what’s in your way that easily, it wouldn’t be in your way anymore. You wouldn’t have spent years feeling stuck, or repeating the same patterns. No, the blocks that are getting in our way are often subconscious, body-based, and rooted in trauma or deep belief systems.

So, what do we need to do when something is subconscious?

Turn off our conscious mind.

It cannot help us here. This is the territory of spiritual knowing, energetic work, cellular level truth. This is not the territory for list-making, analysis, or any kind of thinking at all.

Instead of focusing on your brain…focus on your body.

Instead of making a list…drink a glass of water.

Instead of journaling…get exercise (preferably in nature).  

Instead of reading a book…take a bath.

Instead of talking to a friend…listen to music.

Instead of thinking about it…sleep.

Remember, your subconscious is always running you and if you want to connect with your subconscious self, the only thing you can do is turn down your conscious self.




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